A review by kate2440
Aimee and the Heartthrob by Ophelia London


I received a review copy from netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Such a cute and sweet cover which definitely ties in with the actual story. It may look a bit cheesy but who doesn't like a bit of cheese now and again?

I have read a few books that involve music stars but not many that I've read where YA so I was glad when I noticed this series on Ophelia's website. Aimee and the Heartthrob was such a cute, sweet and quick read it was hard not to be swept away with the story. I would have actually preferred this series if it was more New Adult/Adult just to give it a bit more grit and more smoking hot chemistry which I felt this book lacked. I did feel as though there was times when it was a little too juvenile for my liking but it wasn't all the time so it was easy to forgive this. There was a part of the book where there was a few stalker tendencies that just didn't sit well with me. I loved the whole backstage side of the story that showed what could happen behind the scene's. The romance side of the story was cute at times but I didn't always believe in their feelings until closer to the end when it seemed to work better. I think the reason why I found it hard to believe in their feelings in the beginning was because it felt a bit shallow especially on Miles side as they had both known each other for a few years and he never showed any interest when she then shows up all grown and changed he all of a sudden wants her.

I liked most of the characters but I didn't get a real feel for the other band members but that may be down to the fact that each band member will get their own book with completely different authors. Aimee seemed nice enough in the beginning I especially liked that she didn't fall all over Miles straight away but I didn't like some of the things that she did (or had done years before the book was set). Miles came across shallow at times but thankfully we got to read the book from alternating points of view so I was able to get a better understanding of how he puts a front on in front of the cameras.

Overall a great start to the series and now I can't wait to see how each author puts their stamp on each of the band members.