A review by plottrysts
How to Deceive a Duke by Samara Parish


We love a lady scientist + aristocrat pairing as much as the next romance reader, especially when they fall for each other for their ~inner selves~, not the outer trappings of wealth. This one is well-written, sexy, and has an additional overlay of girl-dressed-like-a-gentleman/forced proximity (she has to stay at his place because a judge ordered her to in her male persona, not realizing the impropriety of it all). There are also quite a few nods towards social justice. Fiona's contributions to science are often overlooked because of her gender, while the utility of her inventions is also downplayed because they are only useful to "housemaids" and won't turn a profit.

Note that the conflict relies on miscommunication - and A LOT of it. We were absolutely frustrated and furious at certain points in the book when one party or the other would think, "I need to tell my lover this VERY IMPORTANT FACT, but it can wait until later..." NO, IT NEVER CAN, FIONA! That said, the book was charming enough that it didn't ruin the reading experience.

Before starting the book we want to give you a little heads-up about the CW - there is a suicide at the beginning of the novel that influences several characters' choices going forward, in case that has an impact for you.

This objective review is based on a complimentary copy of the novel.