A review by ratetheromance
Love Me Like a Love Song by Annmarie Boyle


I need to start with something completely and amazingly BADASS about this book. Because all reviews are "here's the blurb", "here's what I liked", "here's my rating" and I need to acknowledge some awesomeness before you start skimming...

Grace is 44 years old and was married to her late husband for 20 years before his recent death (this isn't a spoiler—you know it from the first chapter) and not once does the author ever feel the need to over-explain why Grace doesn't have kids. It's never even mentioned and THAT is a beautiful thing. It's not a factor. No need to let the reader know why. It just is. I think we need MORE of that in books (and life)!

Okay, now back to the usual review mumbo jumbo.

Grace and Andrew are FIRE. I love their snarky enemy banter, love their instant sexual chemistry, and love how their characters both grow and change as the story unfolds. These characters are complex snd flawed and so damn lovable.

The steamy scenes are HOT. You'll never look at homemade pizza making the same way again.