A review by kiwicoral
Scandal of the Year by Laura Lee Guhrke


This was very very good. I’m sad to say it’s been languishing on my shelf as the author is normally on my B List of historical romance, but this is my favourite of hers that I’ve read.
Here we have really well drawn leads. They both have a thorough backstory and their actions fit their characters (for the most part). The heroine is strong and determined. The hero is a good man. Not a bad boy, or a nice guy - a good man. He’s a duke but isn’t a snob, and treats the heroine more than fairly considering their past. He’s never condescending or patronising. He also stands firm in his convictions; he’s not a pushover. This is actually a really rare archetype for a historical romance hero.
I love the Edwardian time period (heroine owns her own car!), and the various settings were well described. And there’s a bulldog!
The only things stopping me from giving it five stars is that it’s a little muddy when the hero decided to go from “don’t pursue her” to “pursue her”; and the time jumps felt a little stilted.
But this is a really solid entry for this author!