A review by jessicawithabook
The Teachers: A Year Inside America's Most Vulnerable, Important Profession by Alexandra Robbins


I want to be able to rate this higher… because honestly 5 stars isn’t enough. This is a beautifully researched and well written book. It’s not a bragging book to talk about how great teachers have it. It’s not a “woe is me” book. 

It’s raw. It’s real. It’s inspiring. It’s heartbreaking. 

Many times, with books written about teachers, it’s a lot of fluff. You don’t feel seen or understood because it’s not reality. This is reality. Teaching is hard. Being a teacher is even harder. I loved this. I loved every freaking second of this! I also loved that from the very beginning, the focus wasn’t on the pandemic. It was even started the system was broken BEFORE 2020. 

I want everyone to read this. If you are a teacher, were a teacher, love a teacher, your kids are taught by a teacher, or you have interacted with a teacher GO. READ. IT.