A review by bookittome
Princess Hyacinth: The Surprising Tale of a Girl Who Floated by Florence Parry Heide


Princess Hyacinth isn’t your normal princess. She floats. And that’s not a metaphor for her delicate manner of walking lady-like, she literally floats in the air. The only solution is for the king and queen to weigh her down with a heavy crown and jewels. But she wants to fly, and a new friendship will help do so.

A collaboration of two big names in the children’s literature world, Princess Hyacinth is a visual delight. Lane Smith’s illustrations are usually bright and loud, all over the page. Here they’re watercolors, more restrained and delicate. The story’s words are art themselves, when Princess Hyacinth floats up, so do they. The visual play with words continues as the princess careens across the sky.

The ending is great. I love when a children’s book steps outside of the realm of neatly tying up things, it sparks imagination in children and in this dreamy fairy tale, it’s perfect.

This review originally published on BriMeetsBooks.com