A review by fizreads
The Fall by Louise Jensen


I have been waiting to read a really good psychological thriller since ages. I have finally found it. To be honest I knew I could rely on a Louise Jensen book. The Fall is thoroughly addictive and I went in blind because the blurb doesn't really give to much away and when I started reading it gave me Tiny Pretty Things vibes but with a family dynamic and not a school.

The book follows mutiple p.o.v before and after an event will change all of their lives. After her surprise 40th party. Kate finds out her daughter is in a coma. The story surround Caily, who put her in a coma was it a simple accident or more than Caily's life in danger? Some secrets are worth killing for and everyone has them.

I loveddddd this story. It has so many layers, it is so complex and gritty but it is just so real. In the authors letter at the end she mentions about highlighting real life experiences such as COVID's impact, Brexit and the cost of living. How hard and expensive farming is. The question that comes us time and time again how far would you go to protect your loved ones, we see this through Beth/Matt who is probably my fave character. I loved the closeness and tight knit family Beth and Kate and now Caily and Tegan. And because it is a family story there is so much history. The twist and turns made this a face paced thriller and the ending with Mary/Patrick broke my heart. I was sad at the ending and wish Mary knew the truth. I can't talk about this book without giving spoilers which is my way of saying READ THIS BOOK. Easily 5