A review by poetics
The Best American Short Stories 2018 by Heidi Pitlor, Roxane Gay


“if writers have a responsibility for how they narrate the world, certainly readers have a responsibility for what they consume and from whom.” —roxane gay

i’ve seen quite a few “reviews” online about this collection. many citing that the stories are “too political” and that they reflect too deeply of roxane gay’s own political leanings—and maybe they do. however, we all know the real problem here isn’t how political these stories may, or may not be; it’s the lack of empathy in the people reading them. it seems that the people who are complaining about the political suggestiveness of these stories really have a problem with reading narratives of the so called “other” and don’t want to admit it. maybe the world isn’t coming apart for them, but as gay stated in her introduction, “for many vulnerable people, the world is coming apart” and attention needs to be paid to these occurrences, to these stories. yet, many people still want the mindless, white washed neatness of certain narratives—ones where they do not have to see the current reality of this country reflected. they want stories that they can lose themselves in and not remember how heartless they might have been at the polls, or on that last facebook comment, or tweet. they want their privilege to continue protecting them from the very real people they disregard because those stories and experiences are not their own—and in my opinion, that is precisely why roxane gay put this collection together the way she did. so the untold stories of all those “others” could seep through the cracks in the wall that the majority are trying so hard to build and blind themselves with.

now, my actual thoughts on the collection of stories: they were diverse. they showed me the different ways in which short stories can be written. how certain narratives can surprise you. there were a few that were alright, and not very impressive, but overall this is a very solid and intriguing collection and anyone that says they’re "pandering" to cultural commentary or the political tone detracts from the actual level of skill isn't paying attention. i'll be returning to this collection in the future.