A review by huncamuncamouse
Property by Valerie Martin


This books serves as a great reminder that not every book needs to have a likable narrator. I think this could be an interesting book to read in a class on intersectional feminism. Manon (the narrator) is obviously in a terrible marriage and endures some tragic, traumatic events. But she is continuously unaware of her own position of privilege, instead imagining that the slave her husband has been "cheating with" (raping) enjoys more privileges and is, ironically, more free. This culminates in a truly disturbing scene once Manon and Sarah are alone in New Orleans together.

All-in-all, fascinating dynamics are in-play in Property, and I couldn't put this book down. I do think the book ended pretty abruptly. And although we're frequently meant to disagree with Manon's perspective, it might have been nice to see a section or two of Sarah telling her own story in her own words.