A review by brisingr
Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer


2nd read: 3-18 April 2023
1st read: 6-15 February 2020
"We eat as sons and daughters, as families, as communities, as generations, as nations, and increasingly as a globe. We can’t stop our eating from radiating influence even if we want to."

Absolutely brilliantly written research on how we now get the food that we eat, and the relations that we have with our food, and the excuses that we come up with when facing the ethical questions of farm practices. I think this book should be read by every single individual who claims to care about the world around them. I found out new things, and it just strenghtened my beliefs.

"But it doesn’t have to be this way. The best reason to think that there could be a better future is the fact that we know just how bad the future could be."