A review by magenta_menace
Cannonball by Kelsey Wroten


i really wanted to enjoy this book, but the character of caroline felt too narcissistic and irredeemable for me to truly find joy in this book. i gave three stars because the art style is really interesting and an aesthetic i don’t typically see in graphic novels, but the story itself fell flat for me. the supporting cast of characters feels more like a vehicle for caroline’s self-hatred than their own people, and caroline’s insecurity and rage borders on caricature of an art school student. in my experience in a creative writing program, i never experienced such hostility and judgment that the author creates in caroline’s cohort—rather, it was an environment of support and while jealousy can permeate, i never recall anyone being so malicious regarding others’ success. i feel like caroline didn’t deserve her accolades at the end of the book, nor was i rooting for her. there is a difference between an unlikeable protagonist and an irredeemable protagonist.