A review by amandagstevens
Falling Glass by Adrian McKinty


Enforcer Killian must decide if he's going to follow through with his latest job or follow his conscience. In many ways, this is a typical thriller, fast-paced and ruthless, brimming with action and violence. But it's a McKinty thriller, so you're also in for thoughtful prose, nuanced dialogue, and characters with vital inner lives.

Unlike the Forsythe series and Duffy series, this book is told in third person, which creates a removal I didn't always care for (odd, given I usually prefer third to first). But by the end, this choice somehow fits Killian's story as he is, above all else, a storyteller. For me the greatest element of this story isn't the pacing or the plot but the pitting of two different lives and philosophies against each other (Forsythe vs. Killian). And oh my word, as much as I grit my teeth at it, the ending is just right.