A review by andrea_author
Holly Banks Full of Angst by Julie Valerie


Comedy is subjective, and the over-the-top physical humor in this book didn't appeal to me.

However, the second book in the series ([b:THE PECULIAR FATE OF HOLLY BANKS|48663042|The Peculiar Fate of Holly Banks (Village of Primm #2)|Julie Valerie|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1590717429l/48663042._SY75_.jpg|74007013]) is more down-to-earth. It's charming and fun with moments of deep emotional resonance. So if you didn't like this book, it might be worth giving the second book in the series a try anyway.

A note on both books: I listened to these in audio. Usually I listen to audiobooks at 2x the normal speed. For these, I listened to them at 3x the normal speed. That suggests to me that the pace of the audiobooks is slow, which may be at odds with slapstick humor. You might enjoy them more if you play them at a faster than normal rate. (This is not meant as a criticism of the narrator. She's fantastic.)

If you've got a Kindle Unlimited subscription, both books are free to read and to listen to at the time of this review. So it won't cost you anything to give them a try to see if they're right for you.