A review by shelbanuadh
Crescendo by Rachel Haimowitz


This series was a disappointment for me. I'd read good things about it, but in the end it probably comes down to the fact that I couldn't stand Freyrik. Ayden's affection for "Rik" is just baffling, I figure he must be suffering from Stockholm. And I liked Ayden as a character, but his love of Freyrik just seems like a huge character flaw. I am surprised that there are any sex scenes in this book, given that Freyrik lacks balls to do anything but make excuses for never lifting a finger for Ayden. The point in which he asks Ayden if it would have been so bad to have been gang-raped was pretty much the point in which I was over this book, over this series. It took me an unbearable long time to finish this book...though at this point Freyrik was beyond redemption. And of course, the day & humanity is saved in some vague, glossed over manner...though maybe I actually missed the one sentence explanation, because I more scanned over the last 1/4 of the book than actually read it.