A review by chanidev
The Hot Zone by Richard Preston


Hidden all over the world are incredibly infectious and fatal diseases, waiting to make the jump from non-human animals to humans. Filoviruses, including Ebola and Marburg, started spreading to humans in known cases in the 1970s. At least two people contracted Marburg after visiting Kitum Cave in Kenya, which was also later identified as a possible origin point for HIV. These viruses are known to cause quick and violet deaths, with continuing spread from the blood and vomit of those infected to the ones caring for them. The book gives backgrounds and initial known cases for the filoviruses, and tells the story of a 1989 outbreak of something in a primate research facility near Washington, D.C.

I thought this book was well written, although its age can be evident at times. Richard Preston is thorough and includes his own anecdotes along with scientific facts. Absolutely terrifying and sad, and includes depictions of graphic deaths as a warning.
