A review by steelwagstaff
Three Nights in August by Buzz Bissinger


So I read this last winter while working days land surveying. It was average. The book is essentially an indepth look into the psyche and life of Tony LaRussa, the former White Sox and A's manager who now manages the Cardinals. It was an interesting baseball book with occasional patches of good sportswriting, but nothing spectacular. It follow La Russa through a three game stand against the Chicago Cubs (then managed by Dusty Baker, I think). La Russa comes off as an intense, super focused baseball geek, and is almost completely joyless, which I suppose is a fairly honest portrayal of him. Buzz Bissinger wrote Friday Night Lights, too, which he never lets you forget, writing a fairly long self-congratulatory preface/intro to the book. Only for hard-core baseball nerds or fans of Rickey Henderson and the Bash Brothers.