A review by arwenauthor
In a Cat's Eye by Kevin Bergeron


Firstly, I'd like to say that it seems rather dangerous in the premise of a book to liken it to already well known and respected novels. This was billed as ‘Curious Incident’ meets ‘Catcher in the Rye’ in this crime-noir debut. It immediately heightens your expectations, and direct comparisons are dangerous in my opinion.

'In a Cat's Eye' starts with the death of Nancy, by a suspected heroin overdose. The central protagonist, Willy, tells the story through first person. Willy is a simple young man - possibly with some sort of autism? - and his innocent and at times unaware narration incites the parallel to 'Curious Incident.' He is instantly fairly likeable, although not terribly relatable to.

The story becomes quite convoluted as the novel progresses; there were moments where I felt as confused as Willy as the evidence mounts up! Overall, it was a fairly enjoyable novel, but not a favourite of mine. Promising for a debut, but maybe the genre is not for me? I haven't read very much crime, and I'm not even sure what crime-noir is! I would, however, be quite interested to see what Kevin Bergeron writes next.

I received a free copy from NetGalley. All opinions and thoughts are my own.