A review by msrcreation
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern


 I think I read a different book then everyone else. I'm honestly sad because this has been sitting on my shelf for so long and after finally getting around to this very popular book I was super disappointed. The beginning had my interest for a little bit but then it quickly went down hill. I was bored for 90 percent of this book. Nothing really happens with the plot and while I was hoping the characters would help me still enjoy it they ended up being boring as well. The main relationship that is mentioned in the synopsis was barely there and had very little chemistry. Honestly the synopsis felt like a different book than what I ended up reading. I know so many like the writing in this but I don't enjoy flowery writing just for the sake of it I need the plot and characters to be as good as well. It was mostly descriptions. So many descriptions. It was honestly a chore to get through this. I know so very many absolutely love this book so maybe it just wasn't for me.