A review by allingoodtime
The Darkest Assassin by Gena Showalter


I didn’t feel as though I knew Fox very well before this story. To me, she was super peripheral until the last book, The Darkest Captive, where we got to see Baden and Legion get their HEA. I mean, until quite recently Fox was considered a “bad guy” to those of us who love the Lords of the Underworld. As for Bjorn, readers of the LOTU universe got to know him in Burning Dawn when his “brother” Thane got his HEA. I have to admit, I’ve been waiting (impatiently) for Thane’s friends to get their stories told.

From other stories in this series, it’s known that the angels are usually quite literal in how they see things. They’re also not very forgiving. Although it’s really through no fault of her own, Fox killed a bunch of Sent Ones toward the end of The Darkest Captive. She is slated to die by the hands of Bjorn, end of story. While Fox anticipates the Sent Ones will be sending an assassin for her, Bjorn doesn’t anticipate his reaction to Fox or the fact that she readily admits she did wrong and must pay for her crimes. Though Fox knows she deserves punishment, she doesn’t believe that punishment should be death and she will not go down without a fight.

The chemistry between Fox and Bjorn is great. I can’t help but love a story where the characters are obviously drawn to one another while trying to fight that attraction for all their worth. Watching their walls start to crumble is always amusing for me.

Between the price on Fox’s head, the war between good and evil that has been brewing, and Bjorn’s vindictive and much loathed wife, this duo has a lot to overcome in order to find their HEA. And while they do eventually get through everything to reach that goal (of course, because this is a romance) there are some missteps along the way. Bjorn really does a 180 at one point that had me questioning if he could be redeemed. I still don’t know if he’s really found that redemption, or if he’s just darn lucky Fox is so in love with him.

All in all, this was another fun and intense ride from Gena Showalter. Next up, William’s story! I’m so excited and a bit scared for that one. Sometimes expectations for a book are a bit too high when it’s such a pivotal character in a series. Fingers crossed…

You can find more of my reviews at All In Good Time.