A review by breysreviews
Mind Like a Diamond by Amanda Pavlov


Mind Like a Diamond by Amanda Pavlov takes us to New Orleans on Halloween, where a haunted house called the Thirteenth Realm promises the victor 10,000$. But it’s not that simple… why would it be?

Every city has the old wives tale of the haunted house that if you make it through it you win money. This book expands on that idea and takes it to a level that is super engrossing and addictive.

Lisette and her mother Ruelle have always struggled with money. Ruelle is constantly stealing to get by, and they’re constantly broke and unable to do fun things. When their old neighbor Mrs. Opal passes away, Lisette is concerned her mother is involved. That’s not entirely true, but something is off… oh and the eviction notice doesn’t help.

When I say this was a wild ride that will force you to binge read! It was so much fun, so immersive. Is it a horror novel? No. This is not a horror novel, there are scary and semi-graphic scenes, but it is very much so fantasy. You will rip through this is one sitting and enjoy it.

My biggest flag is that Lisette isn’t meant to be a likeable character in the beginning but her progression and her redemption arc are well done and paced!