A review by constantreader471
Has Anyone Seen My Toes? by Christopher Buckley


I have read 3 previous books by Christopher Buckley and enjoyed them all. However, this one did not work for me. The narrator is a somewhat successful screenwriter isolating in South Carolina during Covid. He has gained so much weight that he can no longer see his toes. He wallows in self pity and thinks about huge sandwiches at the local fast food restaurant all the time. He also is trying to think about writing a new screenplay. His idea is to have German commandos kidnap FDR in 1944 and get FDR to abandon D Day and surrender to Germany.
But the humor fell flat and I started skimming halfway through the book, skipping chapters. I can't honestly recommend this book. I rate it 2 stars.
Thanks to Simon & Schuster for sending me this eARC through NetGalley.