A review by lacy30twin1
Sassafrass, Cypress & Indigo by Ntozake Shange


I really wasn't sure what to expect from this book. The only way I can really describe it is artsy and magical. I'm more of an analytical person so this book was different for me. I enjoyed it but there were times I didn't know what was going on and had to reread to gain more understanding. I can't really say I fully understood but that didn't hinder me progressing with the book.

The book is about three sisters. The oldest two, Sassafras and Cypress, are both artists. Weaver/writer and dancer, respectively. Indigo, the youngest, is described as having "too much of the south" in her. The best way I can interpret this is that Indigo still has a strong spiritual connection to the ancestors. While she has the most visible connection, it's pretty clear that her sisters also have a clear connection to the ancestors and african spirituality. Not being far in my spiritual journey, there was some parts of this book that was over my head.

The book started out with focusing on Indigo. It quickly shifted to her sisters. I wish there would've been more about her adult life in this book. Like her sisters.

The author has a very unique writing style. She frequently includes poetry and recipes on this book. The detailed recipes were a bit much for me. The sisters' stories were interesting. It was nice to see their journey's even if you wanted to shake them. Some chapters are letters to them from their mother which I thought was really nice. It gave the book warmth.

I did enjoy this book. For anyone on a spiritual journey this may be more relatable. I think I'll reread it in few years when farther along on mine.