A review by linnaboobooks
You've Lost a Lot of Blood by Eric LaRocca


For the longest time praise for Eric LaRocca's previous novella "Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke" caught my attention as a lot of reviews enjoyed it but also found it graphic and weird. So I went into this expecting similar after hearing the description but that's not what I came out of it with.

This novella follows a character named Martyr Black of whom we know is a murderer of men and his partner Ambrose. Their conversations are thought provoking for those who might ponder similar questions brought up and while intriguing I'm not wholly sure what I was supposed to take away from it.

Also in the novella we see pieces of work, both poetry and the manuscript of a novella by Martyr Black. Of this the novella (also titled You've Lost a Lot of Blood) was what kept my interest, I wanted to see where that was going and understood the narrative aspects of it. And how it tied into the whole narrative of You've Lost a Lot of Blood (the novella by Eric LaRocca) by the end. It was pretentious in the way it went about the themes that made it less enjoyable for me.

trigger warnings: graphic descriptions, mentions of pedophilia, mentions of a sickness fetish, descriptions of things under skin (I think this is a phobia for some), child abandonment, death of parents, car accident.