A review by jstruzzi
Is Mommy? by Victoria Chang


I gave it 2 stars, almost 3, because I GET the humor, and I can appreciate the "irreverent" mom is loved-no-matter-what, etc. message presented in this book. I think some of the language is harsh; words like: "ugly, mean, boring, etc", but those are the real life words & concepts kids tend to be taught to describe mundane discomforts. No? Obviously both moms and kids love each other no matter how they are labeled during their specific mood disturbances, and all is forgiven and love prevails, which seems to be the gist of this one. Maybe it wasn't as clever as it set out to be, but I got it. I would say it's basically okay, maybe the humor is too basic for my taste, but I can see why people are turned off by the language.