A review by jfranco020
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures: Ultimate Collection by Stacie Ritchie, Laurell K. Hamilton


The graphic version of Laurell K. Hamilton's incredibly popular Anita Blake series, Guilty Pleasures is an excellent introduction to the world Hamilton has created. Many graphic adaptations spend too much time "telling" the reader about the world rather than "showing" them; this is usually in an attempt to stay true to the original text. Guilty Pleasures does not have this problem. The story is adequately explained through narrative and graphic illustrations.

Having mentioned the illustrations, I would like to praise the illustrator highly. Scars are a key element of the story and Anita's characterization. The illustrator has a unique style for scars. Instead of raised and lumpy flesh, the scars are smooth and spiderweb like. More significantly, the vampire bites are not two pin prick holes, they are are ravaged and torn flesh leaving large and imposing scars. Its more realistic and greater emphasizes the danger and animal like behavior of the vampires.

Ultimately, I can't deny my love of strong female characters who are capable of doing what needs to be done and can admit to being afraid. Bonus points that her outfits are easy to cosplay! Black jeans, black wig, penguin t-shirt and a silver corss...I will be ready to raise zombies, fight vampires, and go to ComiCon.