A review by mariemoreau
It Looks Like Us by Alison Ames


This was such a cool, yet horrifying read. Honestly, my skin crawled a good number of times at the descriptions for how all the creatures looked. I’ve never read a science fiction book before so this was new for me and yeah, that was something. Love how the author didn’t wait until the middle of the story to get the action going, I’d say by chapter 3 things started moving very quickly and I appreciated that. All these kids went through wayyyy too much like I don’t see how Riley made it as far as she did in that situation, I would’ve just succumbed to my fate. And of course I’m disgusted (but not surprised) at how powerful, rich men think they rule the world and can get away with anything. The ending was perfect (although I’m still sad at all the lives lost for no reason).