A review by cryrider
The Guest by Emma Cline


The Guest by Emma Cline follows a young girl named Alex after she's kicked out of her boyfriend's house. She eventually plans to go back during one of his house parties later the next week to win him back. But because she has to bide her time, we follow her as she's left without a home, wandering and getting into all kinds of situations.

I was just browsing the selection on Libby and came across this, so I had no expectations going in. I really loved the writing; it's unwaveringly blunt manner reminded me a lot of My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Otessa Moshfegh. Unlike with Moshfegh, though, I felt some level of detachment from what was happening in this novel. There was this feeling of nonchalantness that I harbored for the story and its characters. I could feel myself almost caring, almost wanting to know more and see more, but never fully getting there. I wasn't bored, but in a few days this book will feel like a distant memory, not leaving any lasting impressions. I really, truly loved the writing though so I will continue to read Emma Cline's books.