A review by kevin_shepherd
Animal Farm / 1984 by George Orwell, Christopher Hitchens


Animal Farm

Much like 1984, Orwell's dystopian masterpiece, Animal Farm is disquietingly morose and prophetic. In fact, if you substitute Hillary for "Snowball" and Donald for "Napoleon," it reads like the Daily News.

Update 24 Jan 2021: when I wrote this years ago I was unaware how injurious it might be to compare the actions of a sitting American president to those of an Orwellian pig. Now, after four years of president Donald J Trump, I feel I owe an apology—to the Orwellian pig.



So wonderfully written yet totally bleak and disconcerting. I don't think Orwell's Oceania is beyond the realm of possibility. In fact, many aspects are already disturbingly familiar.