A review by amysofta
Anatolian Days & Nights: A Love Affair with Turkey: Land of Dervishes, Goddesses, and Saints by Joy E. Stocke, Angie Brenner


This book was an enjoyable read for me, and probably meant more to me than to someone who has never been to Turkey. You can tell these ladies loved Turkey and they did a good job of showing the good along with the bad of Turkish Culture. Turkey and Turks are not perfect, but the country is what it is, a clash of old and new, east and west, and is a wonderful place to fall in love with...if you can accept its good along with its bad. You also need to remember that the Turkish Republic is itself a young country, still under 100 years. In those 100 years the world, society, and technology has changed a lot and in my opinion Turkey has handled it all remarkably well. It truly is a shining example of what a country from this part of the world that, while secular in governing, is an Islamic country. They should be proud of what they have accomplished as they continue to grow and figure out how the past and future have a place within its boarders. This book made me long for Turkey as I have now discovered places that I now want to visit and see for myself. The authors have reaffirmed, thou, my decision that I never want to experience a Turkish bath.