A review by lschweitzer
The Stillwater Girls by Minka Kent


2.5 rounded up.

Starting with an intriguing concept, "Stillwater Girls" unfortunately ventures into predictability within the initial chapters, making strong suspicions almost a given.

Now, here's the spoiler-inclusive semi-rant:

The "big reveal" was super underwhelming and, with vague detail, severely teetered on the edge of unbelievable.

It might have been better to share the “reveal” from the start, maybe even from the husband's viewpoint. Think Apple TV's "The Servant," where everyone's in on the secret except the wife.

Another layer could have been added through the kidnapper's perspective, exploring motives and providing a deeper understanding. Does she deserve sympathy or disgust? What truly happened to Nicolette in the driveway? Why was she the target?

The overall experience fell a bit short, so middle-of-round 3ish on the scale for me.