A review by nikkibabii
The Bookstore on the Beach by Brenda Novak


This review contains some spoilers:

No spoilers: This book was entertaining to say the least. Not great but definitely not bad. My biggest issue was with the characters.. I didn’t find them all that believable. Everyone was too…. Perfect. Too accepting, too supportive. Taylor was not super believable as a 17 year old.. some of her dialogue sounded like a much older woman. Mary was the perfect grandmother with a terrible past but other than that I felt her character was just unrealistically perfect. As with Laurie.

Spoilers: Autumn neglected her children in her search for her Husband which lasted 18 long months. At the first sign of a relationship she is willing to give up on her family and not really give it a chance because of an old fling she had 5 weeks with ?? Seems crazy. I find her character incredibly selfish. She was literally sad when nick showed back up and all she could think about was losing Quinn. The nail in the coffin is the last 2 pages of the book.. she’s going to go up to him AT HIS MOTHERS FUNERAL to beg for him back?! Like that’s the best time?? Idk Autumn felt selfish to me. I also didn’t love her dialogue in the book either.. she confessed to telling her husband about her first time with Quinn and they would laugh about it.. extremely childish. Their first date conversation at the restaurant in Richmond was extremely cringey I literally have no idea what Quinn saw in her.

Lastly.. Quinn. I just refuse to believe someone as well rounded and articulate and strong as Quinn would stay in a marriage for 20 years with a woman like Sarah. Jealous, manipulative, vindictive.. jealous of his relationship with his own mother.. why would he stay? That would be a red flag to me. But again .. all the characters were just unbelievable perfect and well rounded.