A review by rachel_dacus
Travels with Alice by Calvin Trillin


I'm halfway through this lackadaisical tour through Europe -- if in the 19th century they took the Grand Tour, this would have to be dubbed the Mini Tou -- and charmed by its irreverence and sly wit. My favorite sentence so far sums up everything wrong with the way this family approaches taking their kids to France and everything right with it as a summer vacation:

"I realize that in the matter of parents' responsibilty to pass on some appreciation for the culture of the Western world there is an argument for raising a child in a home where Santa Croce has never even once been referred to as 'the big church near the babyfoot bar." Still, I couldn't help imagining the looks on the faces of the local champs when Sarah's attack shot slammed into the goal. I had a feeling that babyfoot was Sarah's game.