A review by tipsynaga
Trading in Danger by Elizabeth Moon


Ky looked at the best of the crew of the Glennys Jones - Quincy, Mehar, Gary, and the rest. They looked back at her expectantly, waiting for orders.
"What's the word, captain?" asked Quincy.
"I'm not going to sugarcoat it," said Ky, "But cargo holds one through ten are filled to the brim with boots. Jackboots, in fact. And our contract stipulates that we must lick every single one of those boots. One hundred percent of them."
"We can lick those boots more efficiently if we..." interjected Gary.
"Let me finish," said Ky. "As captain of this ship I am ordering you all to help me - to help the Glennys Jones - lick all of those boots," said Ky. "It's our duty to fulfill this contract. If any or all of you refuse, I cannot promise that I won't kill you. But I can promise you that I would be down there in cargo holds one through ten licking every single one of those boots myself. Captain's honor," said Ky.
Her crew nodded in solemn unison, their resolve renewed for the worthy task at hand.
"Yes ma'am," saluted Quincy.
Ky saluted back.