A review by kimmyjane96
The Hobbit: Graphic Novel by Chuck Dixon


I want to start off by saying that I haven’t read The Hobbit as a book but I have seen the films (I enjoy the first two but dislike the third). I went into this knowing that the films aren’t like the books and with that expected the Graphic novel version would be closer to the book, as this came before the films.

I loved the art in this; I found it beautiful and really endearing and I loved the colours that were used. I enjoyed the fact that some of the characters were generally more likeable and had better relationships with each other and I did like the grand adventure aspect. That being said, I wouldn’t say I loved reading this as a whole, I found myself multiple times while reading wondering how long I had left to go and being very aware of how much I had left to read. Some parts didn’t flow as well as I would have liked (multiple times I found myself looking at the wrong panel/ speech bubble next and so the order didn’t make sense) and sometimes it wasn’t 100% clear what had happened. The characters weren’t as fleshed out as I was hoping and the majority of the time I forgot that there were a large number of dwarves because they weren’t mentioned.

Now, I don’t know if the issues I have would be solved if I read the actual book as you can’t transfer everything from a book to a graphic adaptation as there just isn’t enough space to write it all. I am glad I gave this a go, and I will eventually get around to reading the full book however I think this was an ok first step and I can see the appeal if you don’t want something as in depth. (I say this is less in depth as I don’t know how true the text in the graphic version is to the full book but just based on page numbers, you would have to assume that there’s a bit missing in terms of detail)