A review by cjcharding
Finding Eden by Mia Sheridan


Review for both books: 

3/5🌶️, MF, contemporary, duet, Libby ebook

(Very Short) Summary: Two young members of a cult fall in love and try to escape the cult. 

Tropes: cult members, childhood loves, virgin MCs, forbidden love, instant love, friends to lovers, fighting to be together, purity culture and religious trauma, second chance

Thoughts: I enjoyed this duet. The first book is about the MCs childhood and how they grew to be friends and eventually fell in love. It also detailed how they had to fight hard to be together and to escape the cult they grew up in. The second book is about their life in the “real world", finding answers, dealing with guilt and grief and learning to live without the restrictions of the cult. I liked the MCs and how resilient and kind they were. I wish there was a bit more about the secondary characters though. They felt like incomplete caricatures. It was such a sweet love story though and you really felt like the two MCs were meant to be together. While there was a bit of religious trauma unpacking, I feel as though there could have been a lot more to that bit of the story. The characters adjusted to the “real world” surprisingly easily. There was also a lot of formulaic HEA stuff near the end of the book, where everything gets wrapped in a bow, but considering how the first book ends (with everyone near death), I didn’t mind the series ending on a overly sweet high.