A review by juliaherkel
Worlds Apart by James Riley






Pfffffft cons? Such a word doesn't EXIST for this book.


Where do I begin?

I love how everything from previous stories tied into this final book.
Fowen, Kara, Charm, Kiel, even the Magister and Dr. Verity! And the Magister's tower!! AND OWEN'S HEART.

After the end of book 4,
because Bethany was split into her fiction and nonfiction halves, we got to truly see what each half of her was like, and how each part contributed to the whole series. Like, now I can look back and be like 'that was definitely her fictional side' or whatever

The acknowledgments were amazing, as always!


Honestly, when I was reading book 2, I kept thinking that these would be the funnest books to write EVER. And now I agree with that thought even more.

I love how the covers on the first and last (this one) book both had dragons on their covers!

I love how all the characters ended up with one another in the end.

I also love how all of them actually got sucked into the potential, except for Kiel and Dr. Verity

And now, some quotes! (please don't read them if you haven't read the book; they're spoilery)

"If you're going to challenge me," Owen said, Charm's sword arm in his hand, "then I guess I'm going to have to challenge you. Now, like my friend said, come at me"

"But you didn't leave me," she whispered, staring at him. "Everyone leaves me, but not you. I don't... I don't know what to say to that."

"You're going to get us both in trouble, you know," Kiel Gnomefoot said, stepping out of the shadows. "I want your dad to like me!"

She rolled her eyes. "You think I'd forget what you looked like five years ago? Even an alternate evil twin version?" He started to blush, which she loved.

Charm sighed. "I really hate Orion, and we'll never get Kara without him following her like some puppy. Do we really need her help?"

All of those made me squeal and flail so much. ESPECIALLY the first and second ones. And the third one.


You know when people ask bookworms (bookwyrms? this is the best day of my life! we all are book DRAGONS and wyrms are DRAGONS so IT'S PERFECT) what their favorite book is, and you're just like... um, random person, I cannot just choose ONE! You then proceed to mention your top 20 or so favorite book series. And, in fact, I was talking to someone about that just over a week ago. But now??

Guys, I have a top favorite book series.


Let us name some reasons:

James Riley got to put himself into his own book

-Book 3 was done so well I was STRESSING OUT about book 4!
I didn't want to accidentily kill Owen! (I'm serious, I was waiting to go to the library to get the book, was trying to build a puzzle, but my hands were literally shaking. I kept knocking over puzzle pieces.)

-Everything ties in so nicely throughout the entire series! (see above in the pros section)
-The covers are glorious; I want the person who drew them to do mine.
-*stares at the cover for a minute instead of writing this review* Point made.
-It sucked me in so fast! As soon as book 2 started, I was a gonner. The slowest book for me was book 3, but that was only because I had to get past the beginning. But otherwise, I read them all SUPER fast.
-OWEEEEEEEEEEN (need I say more?)

Okay, so this is basically my longest 'overall' section ever... but I really could rave about this book for a long time!! James Riley, you are a genius, and now have an absolutely devoted fan.

Time to go read Half Upon a Time.

Or draw some fanart.