A review by cari1268
The Chilbury Ladies' Choir by Jennifer Ryan


The Chilbury Ladies' Choir sure was entertaining. And that's saying something as I couldn't stand almost all of the characters the first 100 pages. Jennifer Ryan created quite the cast of unlikeable characters. I kept hoping we would follow Mrs. Primrose, Silvie or Hattie. Nope. We got the two awful sisters and stick-in-the-mud Mrs. Tilling.

Thankfully, the characters grew and became more likable. I even started to cheer for them. Although I must admit that I wished bad events on Venetia for over half of the book.

Besides hard-to-like characters, I did have some issues with certain characterizations and plot points. Ryan had flimsy villains.

-Henry's about-face came out of no where. Considering, Venetia was life-long friends with him, I would have expected some clues that he was actually a horrible monster.

-The Brigadier was also inconsistent. One moment he's capable of killing Edwina Paltry to keep a secret and thrashing his daughter to being cowed by Mrs. Tilling. I didn't buy it.

-I didn't believe Slater and Venetia's romance. Why was Slater attracted to Venetia in the first place? I assumed it was for the sex but then he was in love with her?

There were parts I did like.

-Kitty was funny. She had me chuckling quite a bit.

-Mrs. Tilling and the Colonel's romance was a great hate-to-love romance. My favorite kind.

-I loved Mrs. Primrose as a character.

-I was laughing at what happened to Venetia's portrait. I don't even care that it was a tad unbelievable. That was funny.

I'm a sucker for epistolatory format. Yes, the letters/journal entries didn't sound like actual letters/journal entries. However, that's something I'm okay forgiving as I like the format so much.

Entertainment-wise, this was an easy four star read. However, I am going to take off half a star for my character/plot issues.

3.5 Stars
*There was some adult content in this book. Thankfully, no graphic sex scenes but characters were having sex. In one instance,
Spoilera nude portrait was drawn of a character