A review by kindlebabe
Never Whistle at Night: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology by Shane Hawk, Theodore C. Van Alst Jr.


Book : Never Whistle At Night
Author : Shane Hawk & Theodore C. Van Alst Jr
Pub Date : 19 Sept 2023

Thank you NetGalley, Penguin Random House, Vintage, & the author for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I have become more and more obsessed with books filled with short stories. There is something about a book with a variety of stories. Do you know what I love even MORE than a book filled with short stories?? A collection in one amazing book filled with mysterious horror short stories written by multicultural writers. These stories are amazing. Each of them carried some sort of different eerie vibe to them and some of their culture. I tried to pull out favorites but I have to say that literally every single one of these I loved equally.

Each of them carried some sort of different eerie creepy twisty vibe that makes you gasp, eyes widen & sits you in shock with that goosebump feel. I am so happy that I got he chance to read this collection because these are something that I can keep going back to read through time here and there and I cannot wait to share these with my book friends when the collection is released. An absolute must have/must read.