A review by figgylove
Utopias of the Third Kind by Vandana Singh


I saw a friend today and he asked what I’d read recently, and this came to mind. Science fiction is my absolute all-time favorite genre and I loooooved this collection so much. In addition to the stories the collection also has an essay about the nuances of utopia and an interview of Singh. She also included an essay on the impact Ursula K Le Guin had on her. It’s a very cool collection. Singh’s work fascinates me because it feels like commentary on how our current world is a sci-fi apocalypse. The sci-fi future we often write about is actually one that we’re already living. Octavia Butler explores this too, especially in the Parable series and Kindred. Science fiction is the greatest literary tool and genre we have in my opinion. It reveals and exposes the ugly truths of our realty and can help us imagine better futures. Singh does this so well. Her stories are potent commentaries on the grueling faults of humanity and the lengths we go to find justice and resolve. Truly just awed by her and her incredible mind …. Being a physicist and sci-fi writer is just too cool. She has inspired me so much. Thank you