A review by jwanz86
How We Show Up: Reclaiming Family, Friendship, and Community by Mia Birdsong


How We Show Up has been one of the most affirming books I have read in a minute — @miabirdsong captures a great perspective around genuine relationships that makes my soul sing. Rooted it in an examination of the individualism cast by the American Dream really fills out the ideas around genuine relationship building that has been at the forefront of my work but also immersed in the community building that I do. And I love that I came across this from a community builder like @hava.rose and began reading it at a pivotal time around examining and affirming relationships.

What’s particularly powerful about this book is that it is the first time I’m seeing the significance of relationships of all sorts holding value, not just familial relationships or romantic relationships. It speaks to the power of community through authentic relationships which can be stifled by the individualism promoted vis the American Dream. Especially the idea of “success” that’s introduced early on is something that I grew up with that is defined by ideas wrapped up in white supremacy, the patriarchy, and colonialism. Songbird explores and shakes up normative ideas around relationships, friend communities, parenting, housing situations, organizational support, and has a GREAT insight into bee hives that was just amazing — her writing pulled me in immediately and I delightfully devoured her ideas and concepts such that I will definitely be rereading this very soon.

My relationship styles are a little different than most and this definitely affirmed a lot of ideas that how I value and elevate relationships aligns with values that break away from individualism I’ve been surrounded by — so thank you! I’m excited to share this out with more people, re-explore these concepts, maybe annotate my copy of this book lol, and to question some important ideas that this book elevates!! This is definitely my favorite read of 2022!!