A review by lukre
Matter by Iain M. Banks


ok, finished Matter and I LOVED IT! The shellworlds are AWESOME! the true plot behind everything, the conflicts betweent the species.... all worked fantastic against one another. The court plotline was a perfect wrapper of the entire thing. I just feel in awe of this book and the series in general. 

The way Banks's mind works and the wealth of his imagination is something else. He creates such vivid worlds and makes you feel like "of course these things exist somewhere out there." He makes the most amazing and outlandish ideas seem natural, normal even, but still worthy of being considered amazing. I'm not sure I'm making any sense, but if you've read Culture, I'm sure you would agree. 

This one was not like the Use of Weapons in its emotional impact and in the language, but the humour and the plot and the world are top tier. And like Use of Weapons, this the one I see myself re-reading the soonest.

this one was a 5/5 for me