A review by libralita
What Light by Jay Asher


When is the perfect time to read a book centered around a Christmas tree lot? Late May! With 80 degree (F) whether! Excellent.

I think it may be Asher’s lightning fast past that makes me really love his books. No matter what horrible, annoying clichés he throws at us, he goes through them so quickly I don’t have time be annoyed. Yet he knows to stay on the really cute moments that make me fall in love with his books. He is probably my new favorite contemporary author. I adored this book, the characters were so charming and adorable. I highly recommend this book, even in late May.


The only thing I didn’t like was Andrew. He really didn’t have a character outside of being just a cringe-y asshole. I wish Asher gave him more of a character then their to pine after Sierra or be a dick to Caleb.

“He bites his top lip and faces outside. ‘I know there are things we should talk about,’ he says, ‘but not yet, okay? Just, if you can, don’t believe everything you hear.’”—Page 81

Why. Not. Just. Tell. Her. Now?

“But you have to admit, it’s also kind of sappy.”—Page 90

And thus I fell in love with Caleb.

“Heather’s right, whatever’s going on here doesn’t have to last past Christmas. If I enjoy being around him, why mess that up? Asking will only make him shut down again.”—Page 97

Just. Ask. Him!

“He looks at me and his expression goes hard. ‘Don’t do this with Caleb. You’re ridiculous to even think you can be friends with him. He is not who you think he is. Don’t be—’”—Page 100

See, Andrew is just really annoying. I get that he’s really into Sierra and I wouldn’t want my crush to go out with someone who potentially went after his sister with a knife. But you don’t have to be such an insufferable prick about it. I guess I should be happy that there was no love triangle.

“I wasn’t a real Californian, she said.”—Page 104

I have lived in California all my life and I have never met anyone who has says this. What does that even mean? That Sierra doesn’t talk fast, say ‘like’ every other word and we enjoy the delicious taste of Tri Tip? Though I heard New York is going to start having that cut of meat so…I dunno! Also Christy Wang is now a pointless character, this is her only appearance in the book.

“‘Really?’ I say. ‘You’re going to drive around in your manly truck with a picture of Santa on a keychain?’
‘First, it’s a picture of us with Santa,’ he says. ‘Second, it’s a purple truck, making you the first person to call it manly.’”—Page 142

This is true.

“Pessimist? I feel my anger rising. ‘That proves we haven’t known each other very long.’
‘We haven’t,’ he says, ‘but I’ve known you long enough.’
‘Is that right?’ I can’t shake the sarcasm from my voice.”—Page 145

Ugh, stop this fighting I—

“My head swims in what he just said. ‘Really? You think we’re possible?’
His eyes are adamant. ‘Yes.’ Soon they turn gentle and he gives me a delicate, sincere smile. ‘Sierra, I combed my hair for you.’”—Page 145

Dammit, Asher! I want to be annoyed at the clichés you’re throwing in this book but your characters are too damn likable!

“My phone pings with a text from Elizabeth, and I cover the screen with my hand to read it. She tells me I need to consider which friends will be here years from now.”—Page 155

Dude, that’s shitty. Like yeah it’s shit that Sierra isn’t going to Rachel’s play but she can only see Caleb and Heather for one month.

“His mom begins to push the cart around us. ‘Caleb,’ she says, instead of ‘Hello.’ Her voice tight.”—Page 156

Ah yes because instead of trying to help the boy you perceived as mentally disturbed you should isolate him. That will in no way cause problems. Seriously, you are the worst mother ever.

“Behind her, Jeremiah walks into the Bigtop. He holds a tree tag in his hand but stays back from the conversation.”—page 160

Smart man.

Asher! Every time I want to complain about something stupid you just speed right past it. I was so annoyed when Caleb broke up with Sierra but then immediately called and told her how much he fucked up within a few pages.

I really like Abby, she’s a really cool character.

“‘Why is that funny?’ Caleb says. ‘Jumping is fun!’
I look up at him, but he knows exactly why it’s hysterical. ‘Did you just say that? ‘Jumping is fun’? How old are you?’”—Page 197

Oh my god, this is so adorable.

I liked how open ended this book was and how we don’t know if Sierra and Caleb worked out. It leaves a lot up to the imagination. Overall, I didn’t like it as much as 13 Reasons Why. 13RW was powerful and heartbreaking this was adorable and fun. I still enjoyed it and happy I read it.