A review by lady_moon
The Trouble by Daria Defore


Rep: aromantic achilliean Korean-American MC, achilliean Korean-American character, bi Korean-American side character, Asian side characters

Yooo!! Danny is exactly, exactly the type of aro character I'm looking for 😭 Aroallo rep, YES!

The only thing that I'd critize is probably the writing at certaine times. Just, at some places wahtever happened was so abruptly. Like,
when  they broke up I was 'huh'? The reader wasn't prepered for it one bit. And then, I was thinking 'shit, way too little is left from the book, how are they gonna work this out?' and then BAM, they were suddenly back together, all well and good.
  Like 😭 This is basically a glorified novella but man, a liiiiittle more build up would have helped the plot to feel a little smoother.

That being said, I DEVOURED this. Like, it was, what, 2:30 a.m.? And I was getting in the mood to read this book finally and it was Saturday, so I decided fuck it, I'm starting this. And gods!! I was hooked! I was 30% thinking how I am absolutely loving this. A little after 4 a.m I stopped, around 80% done (and it was a very good place to stop, as I found out letter). I can't understand how I haven't picked up this book sooner despite it being on my TBR for ages!