A review by shadowmaster13
Accidental SEAL by Sharon Hamilton


OMG, I finished it. Finally.

This was in turn boring, irritating and stupid. I tried, I really tried especially after the novella intro [b:SEAL Encounter|15715869|SEAL Encounter (SEAL Brotherhood #0.5)|Sharon Hamilton|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1344548214s/15715869.jpg|21385561] which gave me high hopes for this.

But Christy and Kyle share two one-night stands in a row which shouldn't have happened after Kyle attacked Christy during their first meeting. Christy somehow falls in love with him based on several seconds of pre and post-sex talk. Kyle tried to let her down easy when he dumps but she falls into a crazy suicidal depression.

The entire Armando-dirty cop-gang subplot was BORING and dragged the story out. And that was the SEAL stuff! That should have been the most interesting part!

I have dropped the next books from my to read list based on how much I disliked this.