A review by allivenger
You by Caroline Kepnes


And with this my 2023 A-Z challenge is complete! I have wanted to read this book since watching the Netflix show and just never got around to it. But, luck would have it that Book Outlet had this book as a deal so I snagged it immediately knowing I would use it as my Y pick this year.

Joe Goldberg is in love and it’s all because Guinevere Beck walked into his bookstore and stole his heart by walking into the F-K section. So how does a guy like Joe get with a cool girl like Beck? By stalking her and becoming her perfect man of course! The twists and turns in this will keep you guessing and Joe’s obsession with Beck becomes darker and darker. Until Joe has no choice but to show Beck just how amazing he really is.

This is a deep dive into the mental illness of a guy like Joe. It was weird at first and none of the characters are even remotely likable. Joe especially does not have the same charisma as Netflix Joe but he still worms his way in and you cannot put this book down. I literally needed to finish it because I had to know what was going on in Joe’s head and how he would justify all of his actions. If you like a psychological thriller this book could be for you, but know that it’s not for everyone.