A review by lacy30twin1
Small Doses by Amanda Seales


I love Amanda Seales but this book took me a minute to finish. This book is a collection of her essays, axioms, and some of her art work sprinkled in about everything from dating, black pop culture, therapy, sex, etc. While she discusses some good and interesting topics, making very valid points, some of these sections DRAGGED. And the amount of similes and metaphors used was excessive to say the least. It was just too damn much. Now don't get me wrong, this wasn't the entire book. Honestly many of the sections were short, sweet, and to the point. When I got to those sections that weren't though, it was a struggle to push through to the end of the chapter and didn't make me too enthused to pick it up once I sat it down. DO NOT TRY TO READ THIS IN ONE SITTING. With that being said, it had some good points. You just have to get through the excessive analogies and segments of redundancy.