A review by diletto_amanda
Tower of Mud and Straw by Yaroslav Barsukov


Editing to say congrats to Yaroslav Barsukov for being a NEBULA FINALIST!!!! That is so amazing!! Congrats!!!!

Tower of Mud and Straw was an excellent story. I really loved the idea of a mysterious tower, and the even more mysterious Mimic Tower. The story manages to build complex characters, give you the right amount of detail for a little bit of a mysterious world building (that fits with the tone), and create a sense of wonder that makes you keep reading.

Throughout reading this novella I, along with Shae, I felt myself having trust issues with the characters, not knowing who was hiding something and who was telling the truth. What was real and what was a superstition/legend? It builds up the world to be believable enough that when the fantastical starts to happen, you almost wonder if this could really be happening (which is in contrast to many fantasy novels that are so fantastical, you can't forget that it's an entirely different world).

I also loved the connection between Lena, Shae's sister, and Lena at the tower. How they blended together to the readerr and to Shae, just as the reader is also questioning what/who to believe. It was definitely interesting, and added to Shae's depth.

Overall, It was a fun novella with a perfect amount of mystery. I do wonder why this tower is being built in the first place, and what the Duke's motivations are. They never seem to be entirely clear, but perhaps that is part of the magic.

(Also, this heartbeat section felt like a movie, which is why I replicated it here. I could SEE the cinematography in action. Definitely a fun moment!)

*I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.*