A review by jwh891
The Daylight War by Peter V. Brett


Man oh man! Just when I thought it could not get any better Brett proves me oh so wrong!

"The Daylight Way" continues to expand upon the excellent plot from the previous two, throwing in yet another character's point of view, Inevera, the puppet-mistress herself. I really like that Brett adds a new viewpoint each novel because in the end, the only characters I really, really despise are the demons.

Which to me makes the books all that more engaging, because while I get frustrated with many of the characters actions, I find myself being able to stand in their shoes. In many fantasy stories and monster stories with rival humans, one of the humans is so vilified that I am pleased when they are killed off. Not so in the Demon Cycle. Brett reminds us constantly who the real bad guys are.

The demons are back in full force in this one too. IN the previous novel, "Desert Spear", the demons lost some of their bite, if you will, as Jadir and Arlen began to figure out their powers and turn the tables on the various breeds of demons, making their threat a background one, more of a occupational hazard than genocidal threat.

With the mind demons running the show though, the genuine threat of the demons are back and it's beginning to look dim for humanity.

Brett does a superb job of answer some lingering questions about the demons, from the mind demons POV, without giving away too much of the secret of the creatures. I'm am almost as excited to learn more of the previous age, and the true extent of the demons as I am to see what happens after the ending of the book.

Oh I forgot to mention that? The ending is one of THE biggest cliffhangers I have ever seen at the end of a novel. A chapter or section of a book, sure, but the novel!!! When I turned the page and saw the glossary, I about threw my kindle across the room!

But in the end that is ok. I like it when an author is able to pull at my heart strings right like that. I'll just have to wait patiently for the next installment!

P.S.- I bought the e-book version and once again flawless editing as far as images and chapter headings go!