A review by smusie
Thirteen Moons by Charles Frazier


Just for the record, I loved Cold Mountain. I mean, I really loved it. I loved the book more than the movie, and I saw the movie three times. In the theater. Honest. Plus a couple more times on DVD. I had to go to rehab to stop watching that movie. If anyone thinks that's weird, I just have two words for you: Jude Law. So anyway, of course I had to eventually read this book. I liked it a lot--similar setting, more native Americans, similar dry tone, now veering more toward droll. But the love story lacked direction and sense (although not hot sex). In general the plot was meandering--makes sense for a memoir kind of story, but made for little suspense or arc, unlike the heartstopping CM. Maybe I'll read that again. P.S. Nicole Kidman was way too pretty for that role.