A review by helenafaustina
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer


My two star rating is strictly was Goodreads says it means, "it was ok".

First of all, I get it if someone likes it. It's just not my thing. And because it's not my thing, I found fault with it pretty easily.

I'll start off with Bella's character. I saw people complain about her being weak, and at first I thought that meant physically and my first response was "Who cares?" Not every character is going to be strong. But it really does get annoying, mostly because she doesn't even try, which also influences her personality, which is very weak-willed. I know there are other books in the series though, so the author may have been leaving room for character development. I also found that her character was inconsistent. She's not portrayed as a romantic at all, she's very much a realist, and a cynical one at that. Then out of the blue she says; "I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.” That's nice, but it's not something she'd say.

Edward wasn't appealing to me at all. Perhaps that could have been that his looks and abilities were so inhuman they weren't realistic... oh wait.
SpoilerHe's a vampire.
Again, he's another character with room for growth.

What probably annoyed me the most was that their "love" progressed way too fast. It wasn't realistic, not to mention it was more of an obsession than love. It wasn't until the end that we saw any selfless love, that is, they had to put the other's needs in front of their own wants. It doesn't help that Bella is 17 and never experienced anything like this before. Another annoyance was how it seemed like their conflict was resolved, but then they get back to it in the same, unoriginal way. It was so repetitious.

Now for the positivity: I liked the writing style, I thought it was well written grammatically. But after a while some words seemed to be repeated. (Oh no, my positivity...) I did really like the characters Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper, and Angela. They weren't always very significant but they stood out to me.

As I said at the beginning, it's just not my thing. I don't love romance, but when I do it's usually because the story has a moral to it. And [b:Twilight|41865|Twilight (The Twilight Saga, #1)|Stephenie Meyer|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1361039443l/41865._SY75_.jpg|3212258] is just to entertain, which the author stated herself. If you like a book with just plain romance that moves the plot by itself, I'd say go for it. If you're more intellectual you'll probably be annoyed with the characters quite often. As for me, I have no interest in finishing the series. :)